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Flutter Conferences 2025: Must-Attend Events for Flutter Devs!

Katarzyna Szulc
Marketing Manager at LeanCode

Rating: 5.00 / 5 Based on 8 reviews

Mar 19, 2024 • 10 min
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NOTE: Article updated in February 2025

At LeanCode, we love live events. As cofounders of Flutter Europe and founders of Flutter Warsaw, we take every opportunity to visit our friends at other events of this kind. As a result, you can grab this curated list of events, which we can personally recommend for you to attend.

Welcome to the ultimate event guide for Flutter Developers, with CFP dates and all the information you may need. We're diving into the most exciting conferences tailored specifically for Flutter enthusiasts in 2025—we've summed them up for you. Whether you're a seasoned Flutter developer looking to stay ahead of the curve or just starting your journey into cross-platform development, these conferences offer opportunities to learn, network, and be inspired. Get ready to mark your calendars!

The list of Flutter Conferences 2025:

Flutter Heroes, Turin, Italy, March 12, 2025

Flutter Heroes - Flutter conference in Turin, Italy

Flutter Heroes is an event for the Flutter community dedicated to learning and networking about the Flutter framework. It is held annually in the picturesque city of Turin, Italy. The event in 2025 will be a single track, with around 300 in-person and 200 online participants. During the last 2024 edition, Mateusz Wojtczak, LeanCode's Head of Mobile, and Julia Borkowska, LeanCode’s Head of QA, held a talk and a workshop about the Patrol UI testing framework, and they shared positive feedback with the rest of our team. It might be an event you would like to attend as well.

Area: UCI Cinema, Turin Lingotto
Flutter Heroes Event
Call for Papers: CFP (CLOSED on Jan 5th)
Social Media: @flutterheroes on X
Videos: Recordings

Flutter Heroes 2024

Flutter Heroes 2024 photos

Flutter Connection, Paris, France, April 3-5, 2025

Flutter Connection - Flutter conference in Paris, France

Flutter Connection is now a two-day event (the last edition had only one day) dedicated to Flutter, founded in the heart of France by Bam, a well-known French company in the Flutter community. The last edition of Flutter Connections was packed with talks from experienced devs and seasoned speakers from companies such as ClickUp, FlutterFlow, Google, and more. Also, LeanCode’s team members were present on the stage. We’re excited about what this year's extended edition will bring.

Area: Pan Piper, 2-4 Impasse Lamier, Paris
Flutter Connection Event
Call for Papers: CFP (CLOSED on Feb 10th)
Social Media: @Flutter_Connect on X
Videos: Recordings

LeanCode Talks at Flutter Connection 2024: Videos

  1. Demystifying App Architecture: The LeanCode Guide! by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile, and Marcin Chudy, Senior Flutter Developer.

Flutter Connection 2024

Flutter Connection 2024 photos

Flutter Connection 2023

Flutter Connection 2023 photos

FlutterNinjas, Tokyo, Japan, May 29-30, 2025

FlutterNinjas - Flutter conference in Tokyo, Japan

We like seeing that Flutter technology reaches different continents. FlutterNinjas is a Flutter conference for English speakers in Tokyo, Japan. It caught our attention since, as far as we know, it’s the first bigger Flutter event initiative in Asia. The agenda is still in the build mode, but the last edition of the event attracted open-source contributors and developers known in the Flutter Community to the stage, suggesting that the complete list of guest speakers might be interesting this year as well.

Area: docomo R&D OPEN LAB ODAIBA, Tokyo
FlutterNinjas Event
Call for Papers: CFP (OPEN until Mar 2nd)
Social Media: @FlutterNinjas on X
Videos: Recordings

LeanCode Talks at FlutterNinjas 2024: Videos

  1. Flutter Add-to-App: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Marcin Chudy, Senior Flutter Developer.

FlutterNinjas 2024

FlutterNinjas 2024 photos

Google I/O 2025, Online and USA, May 20-21, 2025

Google I/O - developer conference in the USA

Google I/O is an annual developer conference held by Google, typically in the spring, where the company announces new products, technologies, and initiatives in software development. The event often features keynotes, technical sessions, and hands-on workshops for developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts. 

As always, Google I/O covers a wide range of topics, including Android, Chrome, Google Cloud Platform, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, and last but not least - Flutter. Typically, there is also a major update to both Flutter and Dart, so it’s definitely worth enrolling for the online sessions to learn more about upcoming releases. It's known for being a platform where Google unveils its latest innovations and provides insights into the future direction of its products and services so that you can expect inspiration beyond just cross-platform development. And we’ve great news: you can meet our team in person during this event live in the USA.

If you are curious about the last Google I/O 2024 edition, you can read short summaries given by LeanCode’s CEO Łukasz Kosman:

Also, take a look at our 10 Takeaways From the Google I/O 2024 Keynote to catch up with last year's announcements that took place in Mountain View, California, USA.

Link: Google I/O Event
Social Media: @googledevs on X
Videos: Recordings from 2023, Recordings from 2024

Google I/O 2024

Google I/O 2024 Photos

Full Stack Flutter, Online, TBA, 2025

Full Stack Flutter - online conference for Flutter devs

Full Stack Flutter is an online conference in the Flutter universe that everyone can join for free and gain access to knowledge from experts without leaving their homes. The concept of this event sounds interesting and engaging. The organizers plan 20-minute pre-recorded high-quality talks with live chat and the possibility to ask questions, followed by a Q&A with the speaker and a quiz with the chance to win swag and other prizes. There is not much information about a second edition, but this event looks promising based on last year’s experience.

Area: Online
Full Stack Flutter Event
Call for Papers: CFP (no info yet)
Social Media: @FSFlutterConf on X
Videos: Recordings

LeanCode Talks at Full Stack Flutter 2024: Videos

  1. What's Patrol and why you should use it by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile

Fluttercon USA, NYC, USA, June 25-26, 2025

Fluttercon USA - Flutter conference in NYC, USA

It will be the 2nd edition of this conference on the Flutter event map. The concept resembles Fluttercon EU in Berlin: two days of talks, workshops, code labs, and a sponsor exhibition venue. What definitely changes is: different speakers, companies attending, and a continent. Flutter developers from all around the globe will converge in New York City in the USA. It’s a chance to hone your skills and expand your Flutter network outside Europe. It's also an opportunity to gain a different perspective on Flutter technology itself. During the last conference, participants had a chance to receive a free printed version of the “Flutter CTO Report 2024” by LeanCode. This year, we might surprise you with something extra as well.

Additional event: During Fluttercon USA in the same area, there is another tech conference -Droidcon NYC.

Area: TBA
Fluttercon USA Event
Call for Papers: CFP (OPEN until Apr 27th)
Social Media: @FlutterconWorld on X
Videos: Recordings 2024

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon USA 2024: Videos

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon USA in 2024
  1. Flutter Add-to-App: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Marcin Chudy, Senior Flutter Developer.

Fluttercon USA 2024

Fluttercon USA 2024 photos

Flutter & Friends, Stockholm, Sweden, August 31 - September 2, 2025

Flutter & Friends - Flutter conference in Stockholm, Sweden

Flutter & Friends is a dual-track conference for the community by the community. After its first edition in 2023, it became known as one of the most fun Flutter conferences due to the many social activities that happened before and during the event, such as Flutter in the Dark - which was won by Albert Wolszon, our Senior Flutter Dev from LeanCode - Biking Tour, Kayak Tour, and many others. Of course, the line-up itself is a strong argument to attend this conference. In general, Flutter& Friends offers a mix of main and lighting talks, and the last day is usually dedicated to engaging workshops.

In 2023, our LeanCode team had a chance to be on the stage twice (links below). In 2024, we held a workshop about our Patrol Flutter UI testing framework, and it was really fun.

Area: Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, Sergels Torg Norrmalm, Stockholm
Flutter & Friends Event
Call for Papers: CFP (Open until June 1st)
Social Media: @FlutterNFriends on X
Videos: Streams

LeanCode Talks at Flutter & Friends 2023: Videos

LeanCode Talks at Flutter & Friends  in 2023
  1. Supercharged UI testing with Patrol by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile.
  2. Building a large-scale Flutter mobile banking application with 25 Flutter Devs by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile, Albert Wolszon, our Senior Flutter Developer

The full description of these above-mentioned talks can be found in our article LeanCode at Flutter & Friends 2023.

Flutter & Friends 2024

Flutter & Friends 2024

Flutter & Friends 2023

Flutter & Friends 2023

Fluttercon Europe, Berlin, Germany, September 24-26, 2025

Fluttercon Europe - Flutter conference in Berlin, Germany

Fluttercon Europe is one of the biggest Flutter conferences. If there is only one Flutter conference that you want to attend this year, Fluttercon is definitely a good choice. Two years in a row, LeanCode was privileged to be the sponsor of this fabulous event. Where else can you find a 3-day event dedicated to this technology? During the 2024 Fluttercon edition, there were several tracks and 75 talks - including 6 of them given by our LeanCode team. What is also special about this conference is that you have an opportunity to ask questions to Google’s Flutter team, who show up in large numbers. Also, the sponsor area of Fluttercon Europe is packed with interesting companies who present their solutions or services based on Flutter and offer a wide range of activities where you can take part and collect prizes.

Additional event: During Fluttercon in the same area, there are also other tech conferences, such as DroidconBerlin and t3 – team, tech and tools: the mobile engineering leadership summit.

Area: CityCube Berlin, Messedamm 26, Berlin
Fluttercon Event
Call for Papers: CFP (OPEN until Jul 1st)
Social Media: @FlutterconWorld on X
Videos: Recordings 2023, Recordings 2024

If you are curious about the last edition, you can read our short summary of this event’s 2024 edition: LeanCode’s summary of Fluttercon Europe 2024

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon Europe 2024: Videos

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon Europe in 2024

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon 2023: Videos

LeanCode Talks at Fluttercon in 2023
  1. Reimagining Flutter UI tests with Patrol by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile, and Bartek Pacia, Flutter Developer.
  2. Building a large-scale Flutter mobile banking application with 25 Flutter Devs by Mateusz Wojtczak, our Head of Mobile, Albert Wolszon, our Senior Flutter Developer
  3. Flutter Add-to-App: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Marcin Chudy, our Senior Flutter Developer.

The full description of these above-mentioned talks can be found in our article LeanCode at Fluttercon 2023.

If you are curious about the first Fluttercon edition, you can read our short summaries about each day; take a look:

Fluttercon 2024

Fluttercon Europe 2024 photos

Fluttercon 2023

Fluttercon Europe 2023 photos

Flutter Conf Latam, TBA, October 2025

Flutter Conf Latam Conference 2024

It’s the  3rd edition of this two-day Flutter conference in Latin America. The first edition took place in Columbia. And the second one in Arequipa, Peru. In total, Flutter Conf Latam 2023 edition had visitors from 20+ countries, not only from Latin America but also worldwide, with around 400+ attendees and over 40 speakers. If you search through comments about this event, you can find that it’s described as friendly and energetic. The interesting part was also a panel with GDEs in both English and Spanish. The talks that showed varied topics were also held in both languages. Another fact worth mentioning is that Flutter Conf Latam is also accessible for deaf attendees, and an interpretation team described the talks in sign language, which wasn’t easy because some new signs were needed for the event to convey information better. The word Flutter did not have an established sign language sign.

Area: TBA
Link: Flutter Conf Latam Event
Call for Papers: CFP (no info yet)
Social Media: @FlutterConfLAT on X
Videos: Streams

Flutter Conf Latam 2023 photos

Droidcon London, London, UK, October 30 - 31, 2025 (no Flutter track anymore)

Droidcon London - Android conference in the UK

Before, during the two-day Droidcon London Conference, a full track was dedicated to Flutter. In 2023, our Senior Flutter dev gave a talk at the conference about golden tests (link below). For some, attending this event was also more convenient—no need to go from one floor to another and switch rooms; all the Flutter talks happened in the same room. It gave a slightly different vibe, more like a meetup, even if it was still a medium-sized conference with many participants. Besides that, London itself is known for its vibrant Flutter community, so joining this conference gave participants a chance to meet more experts from that area. However, if someone is seeking Android-specific knowledge, attending might still be a good idea.

Area: Business Design Centre, 52 Upper St, London
Droidcon London Event
Call for Papers: CFP (no info yet)
Social Media: @droidconLondon on X
Videos: Recordings

Droidcon London 2023 photos

LeanCode Talks at Droidcon London 2023: Videos

LeanCode Talks at Droidcon London in 2023
  1. How to Set the Gold Standard With Golden Tests by Marcin Chudy, our Senior Flutter Developer.

Others: Flutter Meetups and DevFests

Flutter Warsaw Meetup, Warsaw, Poland

Flutter Warsaw - Meetup for Flutter Devs in Poland

The first Flutter Warsaw Meetup was organized in 2018 when Flutter 1.0 was announced, and today, it has more than 2K members from around the world. At the beginning of Flutter Warsaw events, talks were focused more on introducing Flutter to other developers, but after some time, topics switched to showing new and exciting Flutter features, capabilities, and use cases, including those that bring closer the case studies of Flutter for Enterprise. Most events are organized onsite in Warsaw, focusing on networking, knowledge sharing, and a friendly atmosphere. LeanCode powers Flutter Warsaw Meetup, and we ensure the quality of the talks presented by invited speakers is always at the highest level.

Link: Flutter Warsaw Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in February 2025)
Social Media: @FlutterWarsaw on X
Videos: Recordings

Other Meetups that we recommend:

Flutter London Meetup, London, UK

Flutter London - Meetup for Flutter devs in the UK

Link: Flutter London Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in February 2025)
Social Media: @FlutterLDN on X
Videos: Recordings

Flutter Berlin Meetup, Berlin, Germany

Flutter Berlin - Flutter Meetup in Germany

Link: Flutter Berlin Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in February 2025)
Social Media: @FlutterBerlin on X
Videos: No info

Flutter Hamburg Meetup, Hamburg, Germany

Flutter Hamburg Meetup in Germany

Link: Flutter Hamburg Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in February 2025)
Social Media: @FlutterHamburg on X
Videos: Streams

Flutter Munich Meetup, Munich, Germany

Flutter Munich Meetup in Germany

Link: Flutter Munich Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in December 2024)
Social Media: @FlutterMunich on X
Videos: Recordings

Flutter Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Flutter Vienna - Meetup in Austria

Link: Flutter Vienna Events
The closest announced event: TBA (last one was in February 2025)
Social Media: @FlutterVienna on X
Videos: No info

Top events for Flutter developers: Summing up

The article highlights the most anticipated Flutter conferences in 2025. These gatherings are not just about hanging out; they're great for boosting skills, making connections, and staying ahead of the curve in Flutter app development. We hope to see many of you at these conferences mentioned above. At LeanCode, we plan to attend most of them as attendees (and some as speakers). Save this article for later because we plan to add more information as soon as any new Flutter conference appears and update it next year.

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5.00 / 5 Based on 8 reviews
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