Flutter CTO Report 2024
Get insights about Flutter directly from CTOs, CIOs, Tech Leads, and Engineering Managers!

Insights on app development

Building an Enterprise Application in Flutter

Building an enterprise-scale application in Flutter, as in any other framework, requires a specific approach toward organizing the team and the code they create. This comprehensive tech article explains how to approach such a large-scale project.

Sharing Logic Across Multiple Platforms

When a project grows, sooner or later, a need for sharing logic across multiple clients and a server arises. At LeanCode, we completed a project that extensively employed logic sharing successfully. In this article, we highlight the steps and architecture decisions of the picked solution.

10 Takeaways From the Google I/O 2024 Keynote

As LeanCode, the official consultants for Flutter and open-source contributors, we were invited by Google's team to take part in the Google I/O 2024 event. This is always one of the most awaited tech events of the year, and we were excited to be there in person. Read 10 takeaways from the Google I/O 2024 Keynote prepared by our CEO Łukasz Kosman.

Flutter vs. .NET MAUI: Which Framework to Choose for Cross-Platform Applications?

Cross-platform solutions provide significant time and cost savings. However, you can encounter drawbacks with some platform-specific features and performance, and that’s where it’s worth being aware of the differences between each framework since they may impact your final decision. Read our comparison of two popular solutions: Flutter vs. .NET Maui.

How to migrate smoothly from Xamarin to Flutter? 

Microsoft Xamarin support ends. Many Xamarin Teams are now deciding whether to migrate from Xamarin to MAUI or to choose some other framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications. The sooner you start migrating your mobile apps from Xamarin to Flutter, the sooner you will start reaping the benefits of this most capable framework. Read how to make this shift easier and faster.

Building 6-Platform Flutter App: Using 3 Auth Providers & Supabase

We've created a cross-platform Flutter app that effortlessly integrates sign-in options through Google, Apple, and Magic Link authentication. Discover why Supabase became our choice and how we used Supabase Auth to enable sign-in via these three providers.

Flutter Conferences 2024: Must-Attend Events for Flutter Devs!

At LeanCode, we love live events. As co-founders of Flutter Europe and founder of Flutter Warsaw, we take every opportunity to visit our friends at other events of this kind. This time, we're diving into the most exciting conferences tailored specifically for Flutter enthusiasts in 2024. As a result, you can grab this curated list of Flutter conferences.

Packages and Apps Built With Gemini AI and Flutter

In this article, we are taking a look at interesting package and app examples where Gemini AI and Flutter have joined forces to create new and useful solutions. Get inspired by our handy list and see how AI can be used in the Flutter application.

How to Use Gemini API in Europe

In February, Google released its package for communicating with Google AI models such as Gemini Pro. However, Gemini API wasn't available in all regions, most notably in Europe, until the end of May. Our short guide shows you how to use Gemini API with Vertex AI so that you can create your solutions with Google AI Dart SDK.

How to Speed Up Flutter App Localization With AI

Many projects still grapple with time-consuming processes, such as utilizing ARB files for translations. Addressing this gap, at LeanCode, we created the Flutter arb_translation package, automating the addition of missing translations with Google's Gemini AI or OpenAI's ChatGPT, promising streamlined localization for Flutter apps. Read how it works.

Implementing Social Media Activity Feed with Stream

In a recent project, we embarked on the exciting task of enhancing an existing app with dynamic social media elements. Choosing Stream as our ally, we navigated through challenges and came up with strategies that helped us overcome them, resulting in the successful delivery of a news feed feature. Read our complex article.

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