Insights on app development

Building an Enterprise Application in Flutter

Building an enterprise-scale application in Flutter, as in any other framework, requires a specific approach toward organizing the team and the code they create. This comprehensive tech article explains how to approach such a large-scale project.

Flutter Forward and Flutter 3.7 release summary

The summary of Flutter Forward, the newly introduced Flutter 3.7 features, and the current state of the Flutter framework. Catch up with all of the updates and announcements.

Background Services in Flutter Add-to-App Case

As part of a PoC for a client from the banking sector, we had to implement a business process that required some work to be performed in the background in a Flutter module. See our case and code examples of implementing background services in Flutter add-to-app.

Flutter Add to App - Overview and Challenges Based on Real-Life Case

Flutter has taken the mobile market by storm, but not everybody knows that you don’t always have to write a Flutter app from scratch. It can be integrated into your existing application piecemeal. Read more about the Flutter add to app feature.

LeanCode at Mobile Trends Conference 2022: Summary and Conclusions

During this edition, we were both on the "#mobileBanking" stage as speakers and in the audience as participants. It was inspiring to see how various industries have changed. Read our summary of the event and the conclusions we drew from our favorite talks.

6 Non-obvious Flutter and Dart Packages

Almost every production-grade app depends on tens of packages. Using them allows for quick implementation of standard functionalities. Take a closer look at 6 useful but not-so-popular Dart and Flutter packages made and tested by LeanCode's devs.

The Release of Flutter 3.3 - Our 7 Favorite Updates

Flutter 3.0 was released in May 2022, yet in September 2022, it got updated to the next version - Flutter 3.3.2. Read about our seven favorite feature updates and the most significant changes of Flutter 3.0.

Banking Apps With Flutter? The Overview and Opinions

The number of banks that have opted for Flutter is growing. Specialists from three banks interviewed - Nubank, ING Silesian Bank, and Credit Agricole Bank Polska - rated Flutter as a 9 (out of 10 point scale). Find out if Flutter really is the right solution for building banking apps.

Announcing Patrol - Flutter-First UI Testing Framework

Big announcement! LeanCode is open-sourcing Patrol – a new Flutter-first UI testing framework that revolutionizes the way we test our Flutter apps. Patrol is written in Dart, which makes it familiar to all Flutter developers. Check out what it can do so far.

LeanCode at Flutter Vikings 2022: Catching Up After the Event

At the end of August, the LeanCode team boarded a plane to join Flutter Vikings 2022. This time we participated in the conference as attendees, speakers, sponsors, and helpers. See our summary of the event and the talks we liked the most to catch up.

Android 13 & iOS 16 - Updates in Operating Systems

A new version of iOS 16 and Android 13 came out. Let’s have a quick look at what it means for maintainers of existing apps that want to support the newest operating systems fully and for developers of those mobile apps. We summed up breaking changes and new features.

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