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Insights on app development


16 min. Jul 17, 2023

Building an Enterprise Application in Flutter

Building an enterprise-scale application in Flutter, as in any other framework, requires a specific approach toward organizing the team and the code they create. This comprehensive tech article explains how to approach such a large-scale project.


10 min Jun 27, 2023

How We 10x Improved Flutter UI Testing With Patrol 2.0

Discover the potential of Flutter UI testing and the enhancements brought by Patrol 2.0. Find out how our dev team achieved a remarkable 10x improvement in the efficiency and reliability o UI tests, unleashing streamlined testing workflows. Dive into the article and improve your Flutter UI testing process.


15 min. Jun 6, 2023

Building a Design System in a Large Flutter App

Flutter is known for its seamless UI/UX features and robust design elements. It allowed us to deliver a unique customer experience in the “CA24 Mobile” banking app. This article shares some of the learnings and pain points behind implementing it in this large project.


6 min Apr 25, 2023

How to Shorten Time-to-Market with Flutter?

In the highly competitive financial services industry, being the first to market with a new product or feature can provide a significant advantage. Let's take a closer look at how Flutter can be an enabler for faster development and shorten the Time-to-Market of complex apps.


4 min Apr 18, 2023

Testing Flutter Apps Gets Faster - Hot Restart in Patrol Framework

Our UI testing and open source framework, Patrol, has just received a game-changing update - Hot Restart - it makes testing Flutter apps even faster and more efficient than before! See how we improved Patrol and run `patrol update.` to Patrol 1.1 version.


8 min. Mar 20, 2023

Right to Left (RTL) in Flutter App - Developer's Guide

Find the most important things to keep in mind when introducing RTL design in your Flutter mobile app and how you can use Flutter to support various text directions with little effort. Follow the guide on RTL prepared by Flutter Developer.


10 min Feb 14, 2023

Patrol 1.0 - Powerful Flutter UI Testing Framework

The first stable version of Patrol – a powerful, open-source UI testing framework for Flutter apps is out there, waiting for you to use it. Today, we put the “1.0” sticker on it. Find out how Patrol was born, our vision for it, what we improved, and what it is capable of now.


8 min. Feb 7, 2023

Flutter Forward and Flutter 3.7 release summary

The summary of Flutter Forward, the newly introduced Flutter 3.7 features, and the current state of the Flutter framework. Catch up with all of the updates and announcements.


8 min. Dec 5, 2022

Background Services in Flutter Add-to-App Case

As part of a PoC for a client from the banking sector, we had to implement a business process that required some work to be performed in the background in a Flutter module. See our case and code examples of implementing background services in Flutter add-to-app.


15 min. Nov 29, 2022

Flutter Add to App - Overview and Challenges Based on Real-Life Case

Flutter has taken the mobile market by storm, but not everybody knows that you don’t always have to write a Flutter app from scratch. It can be integrated into your existing application piecemeal. Read more about the Flutter add to app feature.


8 min. Nov 8, 2022

6 Non-obvious Flutter and Dart Packages

Almost every production-grade app depends on tens of packages. Using them allows for quick implementation of standard functionalities. Take a closer look at 6 useful but not-so-popular Dart and Flutter packages made and tested by LeanCode's devs.

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