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Flutter vs. React Native: A Detailed Comparison for 2024

The mobile app development landscape has evolved rapidly over the past decade, with Flutter and React Native emerging as the two most popular frameworks for building cross-platform mobile applications. However, as with most things in the tech landscape, quite a lot has changed in the past few years, with many making the switch from React Native to Flutter. 

This article delves deep into the specifics of Flutter and React Native, providing a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision.

We’ll cover: 

  • the overview of the two technologies,
  • a comparison in terms of code base, time to market, cost of development, performance, community, and other important factors 
  • use cases, 
  • how to choose between Flutter vs React Native for your cross-platform app development.

Let’s get started! 

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google to create applications that work on different operating systems - such as iOS or Android - using one codebase. 

Flutter uses the Dart programming language. It allows developers to create custom widgets that allow them to create cross-platform apps that not only perform well but also look visually appealing. 

History of Flutter

Flutter was first announced at the Dart Developer Summit in 2015 and then officially released as Flutter 1.0 by the end of 2018. 

It’s been almost six years since that first stable version was shown to the world and since then, Flutter has rapidly evolved, with frequent updates adding new features and improving performance. 

The release of Flutter 2.0 in March 2021 marked a significant milestone. It introduced Flutter for Web and Desktop, going beyond mobile and solidifying itself as a versatile development tool. With this release, Flutter supported six platforms: Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux. 

In 2022, Flutter 3.0 added enhancements for foldable devices, extended capabilities for all platforms, and introduced new Dev Tools. In 2023, Google announced that over 1 million apps using Flutter had been released

Companies using Flutter

As of now, several high-profile companies and projects have adopted Flutter for app development. Notable examples include:

  • Google Ads: Google’s advertising platform uses Flutter for its mobile applications, demonstrating the framework's robust capabilities.
  • Google Earth: an example of a truly cross-platform experience with the reach for IOS, Android, and the web - all thanks to Flutter. 
  • Toyota: the automotive giant benefits from Flutter embedded devices support and uses the kit for its infotainment systems. 
  • BMW:  one of the biggest Flutter teams working on a unified driver's experience with individual versions for each target market.
  • SAS Airlines: the Scandinavian airline chose Flutter for their client app, which allows users to buy tickets and organize their trips. 
  • Credit Agricole: Flutter was used to create the powerful retail mobile banking app for the second-biggest financial group in Europe. Read the Credit Agricole case study to learn more.

Check our article to see more examples of enterprise companies using Flutter.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile app framework created by Meta (then Facebook). It’s a more established technology than Flutter since it was released a bit earlier, in 2015.  

React Native allows developers to build applications for Android, iOS, and other platforms using JavaScript and React. It enables the creation of rich mobile UIs using declarative components, making for a native look and feel.

History of React Native

Although it was announced in 2015, React Native actually started as Meta’s internal hackathon project 2 years earlier. The hackathon's aim was to create a framework that could bring the benefits of web development with React—Meta’s JavaScript library—to mobile app development.

The framework was designed to combine the best parts of native development with React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Over the years, React Native has grown in popularity, driven by Facebook’s ongoing investment and the support of a large community 

Today, React Native is widely used in production by many companies and has a robust ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. 

Companies using React Native

React Native has been widely adopted by many top players in the tech industry. The list of the most popular React Native apps includes:

  • Facebook: As the creator of React Native, Facebook uses it extensively for its own applications, including the main Facebook app and Facebook Ads Manager.
  • Instagram: As another social media giant owned by Meta, Instagram has integrated React Native into parts of its app to improve developer productivity.
  • Airbnb: Although Airbnb eventually moved away from React Native, it played a significant role in showcasing the framework's potential.
  • Tesla: The electric vehicle manufacturer uses React Native for its mobile app, allowing seamless interaction between drivers and their cars.
  • Walmart: The retail store chain uses React Native to provide a consistent shopping experience across mobile platforms.

Flutter vs. React Native: an in-depth comparison

To compare Flutter and React Native, we’ll need to analyze them in a few different areas related to both technology and business. In this section, we’ll examine the two by evaluating the following criteria:

  • Reusable code base
  • Time to market
  • Cost of development
  • Integration with native SDKs
  • Performance
  • UI and design system
  • Web capabilities
  • Maintenance
  • Community
  • Packages and libraries
  • Hiring and building a team

Let’s take a closer look at what’s what. 

Reusable code base

First, let’s talk about the main advantage of both technologies: the ability to share a single codebase across multiple platforms.

Flutter’s single codebase is used to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, but also for web, and desktop. Its widget-based architecture enables consistent UI and functionality across all platforms.

Since May 2024, Flutter for Web support for WASM is stable, paving the way for building captivating web interfaces with high performance guaranteed by this modern architecture. Although we still need to wait for full browser support for garbage collection in WASM, it indicates that Flutter is delivering the promise to be a truly cross-platform solution, extending beyond mobile.

React Native is used mostly for iOS and Android. Employing it beyond mobile is possible, but it’s incredibly rare and obviously not what the framework is primarily intended for. There are examples on the market where there is a reverse migration, i.e. due to the web app in React, companies decide to use React Native, and then some libraries can be transferred.  transfer of some libraries. However, in most cases additional libraries and tools are often required for web and desktop applications.

Time to market

For businesses wanting to survive in highly competitive markets, reducing the time it takes to build the final product is crucial for success. Flutter’s extensive library of preembedded design systems and powerful customization options can significantly reduce development time.

Thanks to robust documentation and community support, developers can be sure they get what they need to finish the job quicker. Additionally, one of the technology's huge advantages is the “hot reload” feature, which makes the development process significantly faster. 

Based on our “Flutter CTO Report 2024”, over half of the tech leaders surveyed considered Flutter development to be at least 50% faster than native technologies.

React Native's biggest advantage is the use of JavaScript. The large ecosystem of third-party libraries and components speeds up the development process, and using JavaScript allows users to work with their IDE or text editor of choice. 

Cost of development

The ability to maintain a single codebase for multiple platforms can lead to significant cost savings in the long run, and both Flutter and React Native offer these capabilities. So what might be the difference in terms of the cost of development?

In general, Flutter has always been a technology meant to build apps quickly, which has a great impact on lower development costs. According to our “Flutter CTO Report 2024”, cost-effectiveness is the reason over 64% of tech leads choose to work with Flutter. In favor of Flutter, its performant tooling helps reduce the time spent on testing and debugging, and its free and open-source nature further reduces initial setup costs. Flutter also provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets, which can speed up UI development.

In favor of React Native app development, there might be an ease of finding developers. Since React Native uses JavaScript, recruitment can be a relatively easy and fast process. Being older than Flutter, React Native has a more mature ecosystem, and many issues are well-documented with a large community for support. There is a large ecosystem of libraries and third-party plugins, which can accelerate development by providing pre-built components and solutions.

Cross-platform consistency can be one of the main differentiators between these two technologies. React Native relies on native components, so there can be discrepancies in how an app looks and behaves across different platforms (iOS vs. Android), which requires additional time from a developer. Flutter offers a more consistent experience across platforms since it renders everything from scratch using the same code.

Integration with native SDKs

Integration with native software development kits is essential for accessing platform-specific features.

Flutter provides a rich set of plugins for accessing native features; if a required plugin is not available, developers can write platform-specific code using platform channels that enable communication between Dart and native code. This flexibility ensures that Flutter apps can leverage the full range of native functionalities.

React Native benefits from the vast JavaScript ecosystem, but integrating native SDKs often requires bridging JavaScript code with native code (written in languages like Kotlin, Objective-C, or Swift). The framework’s bridge architecture allows communication between JavaScript and native code, enabling complex integrations.

In general, for both Flutter and React Native, you have to write some code in Dart/JavaScript (Flutter) or some Kotlin/Swift (React Native) and a bit of “glue”. What we would praise is Flutter's clean approach. It is opinionated about how to structure native plugin code and has a way to generate the "glue" code.


Excellent performance is probably one of the most well-known benefits of Flutter and an area where the technology truly shines. High performance is particularly noticeable in graphics-intensive applications and animations, which is what Flutter’s capabilities are perfect for.

Additionally, Flutter is the only cross-platform framework that began using Impeller as a rendering engine, having migrated from Skia. With Impeller, Flutter benefits from even better animation performance and smoother compilation.

React Native performance is generally considered good but it can’t catch up to Flutter, especially in visually dense applications. React Native’s use of native components ensures a fluid user experience, but complex animations may require additional optimization.

The framework’s bridge system for communicating with native components can also negatively impact performance, especially compared to the Flutter framework. 

UI and Design System

Creating a visually appealing app is the key to user engagement. 

Flutter's rich set of customizable widgets and its own rendering engine make it easy to achieve pixel-perfect UIs. Flutter means consistency. It renders all its widgets on its own. It does not use native controls. This makes Flutter apps visually identical regardless of platform and allows the creation of strong product or brand identities. Flutter as a framework allows you to go as low-level as you need to so that it's viable to create entirely custom views for that extra impression.

React Native uses native components, which can make achieving a consistent design across platforms more challenging. With the right libraries and tools, developers can still create high-quality UIs, but it’s a more challenging process than Flutter. A benefit of React Native is that it makes it easier for Android apps written in React Native to feel like Android apps and iOS apps like iOS apps.

Web capabilities

Flutter for Web has improved significantly over the years, offering a good transition from mobile to web. However, it is still catching up to more mature web frameworks in terms of performance and features. The flexibility of Flutter's web rendering capabilities allows for responsive and interactive web applications. As mentioned before, Flutter also supports WASM as of 2024. 

React Native does not support web development by default but can be extended to web platforms using the "React Native for Web” library. The main challenge lies in balancing high-quality web app needs with React Native API compatibility. For web projects, it is generally considered that React.js would be the better choice. 


The single codebase and extensive documentation make Flutter applications relatively easy to maintain. Google’s active development and frequent updates also contribute to maintenance being quite simple, and Flutter’s structured and declarative coding style aids in readability and maintainability.

React Native’s use of JavaScript and the large community of developers make it relatively easy to find solutions and maintain applications. Still, since React Native uses native components, a new version of the OS may break the UI when released, and the cost of library updates can be very high. 


A strong community is vital for providing developers with the support and resources they need. Both communities are open-source, and both extend beyond hundreds of thousands of users. 

Flutter’s community has grown rapidly since its launch, with a wealth of tutorials, libraries, and forums available. Google’s active involvement also ensures ongoing support and development. However, it also needs to be said that there aren’t as many Flutter developers as React Native ones.

React Native While React Native is the more established technology, it also needs to be said that Flutter has actually surpassed React Native in both forks and stars on GitHub. Given its longer time on the market, the framework really shines when it comes to the community and resources. 

The extensive range of third-party libraries and community-contributed solutions is a significant advantage. React Native’s community-driven development approach ensures that common issues are quickly addressed and new features are rapidly adopted.

Packages and libraries

The availability of packages and libraries can significantly enhance development efficiency. Flutter’s ecosystem of packages and libraries is growing steadily, with many high-quality options available. The official Pub.dev repository provides a centralized location for finding and managing packages. Flutter’s package ecosystem covers a wide range of functionalities, from UI components to backend integrations (check our list of non-obvious Flutter packages). Additionally, a lot of packages (like Patrol by LeanCode, for example) are officially supported and developed by companies.

React Native has a more mature ecosystem with loads of libraries and components available. React Native’s compatibility with existing JavaScript libraries and tools also enhances its package ecosystem. While the community-driven approach results in a rich collection of third-party libraries, it can sometimes lead to inconsistency in quality and maintenance.

Hiring and building your own team

Finding the right talent is crucial for any development project. Flutter and React Native are very similar in terms of typical usage and general philosophy. 

While it might take longer to find Flutter developers, the growing popularity of Flutter means the pool of skilled developers is increasing rapidly. Also, it's not too hard to transition between these two, which is a strong point for Flutter. According to the “Flutter CTO Report 2024,” there is a developing trend showing a will for Native iOS and Native Android Developers to transfer to Flutter.

However, it may still be challenging to find senior Flutter developers compared to more established technologies, such as React Native. Training existing team members in Flutter and the Dart language can be a viable strategy for building a competent Flutter team, but it might be easier and faster to look for an established Flutter app development company

On the other hand, the widespread use of JavaScript and the maturity of React Native make it relatively easy to find experienced developers. The larger talent pool can simplify the hiring process and make it easier to build your in-house team. React Native’s similarity to React makes it simple to transition web developers to mobile development, broadening the potential talent pool.

Find more data on Flutter!
Flutter CTO Report 2024

Final: React Native vs. Flutter Comparison

Flutter vs React Native comparison

Building a mobile application from scratch with Flutter vs. React Native

When building a new mobile application, both Flutter and React Native offers compelling advantages. The choice between the two will largely depend on specific project requirements and priorities, as well as developer expertise

Flutter is perfect for projects that require a high degree of customization. The single codebase combined with Flutter’s rich set of widgets can accelerate development and ensure a consistent UI across platforms. It’s particularly suited for applications that require complex animations and a high level of visual fidelity. Where high performance is a priority, you can’t go wrong with Flutter. 

React Native is good for projects that prioritize rapid development and leverage existing JavaScript knowledge. The framework’s mature ecosystem and strong community support can help in building robust applications quickly. It’s an excellent choice for applications that require frequent updates with the code push feature and dynamic content, such as social media apps. However, additional libraries will be needed for more complex UIs. 

The code-push technology was also introduced to Flutter and has been stable since 2024 for both iOS and Android, thanks to the Shorebird integration. You can learn more about it in our recent interview with Eric Seidel, the author of Shorebird and a former head of the Flutter engineering team.

Replacing an existing mobile application with Flutter vs React Native

Migrating an existing app to a new framework is quite a challenge, as it involves taking several factors into consideration. For Flutter, the framework’s high performance and customizable UI make it a strong candidate for replacing existing applications that require a modern, responsive interface. 

The Flutter Add-to-App feature allows developers to integrate Flutter modules into existing native applications, providing a way to gradually adopt Flutter without a complete rewrite. This approach helps leverage Flutter's UI capabilities while maintaining the existing app's native functionality and architecture

Additionally, Flutter’s ability to replicate intricate designs and smooth animations can enhance the user experience during the migration.

When it comes to React Native, its ability to integrate with existing native code can facilitate a smooth transition for applications that already use JavaScript - or have modular architectures. 

The large ecosystem of libraries can also help replicate existing functionalities. What works in React Native’s favor is a flexible architecture that allows for gradual migration, reducing the risk of major disruptions.

How to choose between Flutter and React Native?

Choosing between Flutter and React Native depends on several factors. The most important things to consider are:

  1. Specifying your criteria of choice: Identify the key criteria that matter most for your project, such as performance, time to market, cost, and UI requirements.
  2. Analyzing your business and IT environment: Consider your existing tech stack, developer expertise, and long-term maintenance capabilities.
  3. Preparing the design phase: Structure your project and identify potential frictions, such as integration with existing systems or specific performance requirements.

Let’s examine each of those in more detail so you can make the most informed choice for your business.

Specifying your criteria of choice

When choosing between Flutter and React Native, it is essential to establish clear criteria based on your project needs. Look at the most important factors for your project - is it supposed to handle heavy animations? Will it require high-performance capacities?

For the purpose of specifying requirements, prioritize: 

  • Performance requirements: Assess whether your application needs high-performance capabilities, especially for graphics-intensive tasks. For that purpose, Flutter will be the better choice. 
  • Development speed: Consider the time-to-market constraints and the availability of developers skilled in Flutter or React Native. If you already have React web developers on your team, getting them to learn React Native might be more efficient than looking for a new team from scratch. 
  • UI/UX design: Determine the importance of pixel-perfect UI and complex animations in your application. Flutter beats React Native in that regard, as it’s perfect for visually heavy apps. 
  • Cost: Evaluate the development budget, including developer salaries and availability, development time, maintenance, and the ecosystem itself. 

Both technologies will produce the same result—a cross-platform mobile app. However, depending on your priorities, one option might be better than the other, so make sure to evaluate those first. 

Analyzing your business and IT environment

Understanding your current business and IT environment can influence your decision as to which technology you should choose. 

Take a look at your existing tech stack. As we’ve already mentioned, if your team is already proficient in JavaScript and React, building a React Native app might be the better choice. If you’re looking for a fresh start with a greenfield solution, then Flutter is a clear winner. 

You should also consider how well each framework integrates with your existing systems and tools. 

Flutter is generally better for scalability due to its performance advantages. A feature-based Flutter architecture enhances scalability by isolating features into independent modules, allowing for easier maintenance and development.

That said, the extensive React Native ecosystem also makes it highly scalable, especially for teams familiar with JavaScript and React.

Preparing the design phase

Companies like to focus on the development stage itself, but the research and design phase is critical to ensure a smooth development process. 

Remember to plan the project structure and identify the components that will be shared across platforms versus those that need platform-specific implementation. Identify potential frictions such as third-party service integrations, performance bottlenecks, and UI/UX consistency across platforms.

The most important design difference between both technologies is that React Native uses native components, making it easier to achieve a platform-specific look and feel. This is great if your design requires adhering closely to iOS and Android standards. However, it’s important to remember that with this approach, you lack control over the final design, as it’s strictly translated from JavaScript.

Flutter is fantastic when you want something more custom and unique. Its rich set of customizable widgets allows for highly flexible and creative designs and enables a consistent look across platforms.

At any stage: arrange a consultation with experts

At any stage of your decision-making process, arranging a free consultation call with experts will provide you with valuable insights and help you make the right choice.

Experienced developers can pinpoint the best technology for your project’s specific needs and help you validate your criteria. Professional advice means receiving tailored recommendations based on your project requirements and constraints, something that can be very difficult to do internally. 

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Our experience at LeanCode

Both Flutter and React Native offer powerful tools for developing cross-platform mobile applications. The choice between them will depend on your specific project requirements, existing tech stack, and long-term goals. For us at LeanCode, Flutter eventually emerged as the winner. 

The story is this: we initially experimented with Xamarin, hoping it would streamline our development process. Unfortunately, it didn't quite meet our expectations. It wasn't until we discovered React Native that we found a significant improvement. React Native allowed us to enhance our workflow and create more seamless applications.

Yet, our journey didn't stop there. When we encountered Flutter, everything changed. The ability to create pixel-perfect interfaces with Flutter was a game-changer for us. We were convinced that Flutter was the future of cross-platform development. Since 2020, Flutter has become the cornerstone of all our new projects at LeanCode, enabling us to deliver high-quality applications.

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