Total cases: 12
Welliba is an Employee Experience platform. It enables organisations to measure, predict and manage employee experience. The app provides on-demand, personalised insights and advice to employees.
Welliba platform by LeanCode
The Audio Bible is an audiobook in the form of a radio play. It shows that even religious content can be adjusted for modern customers. It offers access to high-quality 3D recordings.
The Audio Bible Super Production
CA24 Mobile is a modern banking app of Credit Agricole Bank Polska dedicated to retail clients. It's probably one of the biggest apps in Flutter in the world. The development team consisted of 25+ Flutter Developers working to build the next-generation iOS and Android applications.
Case Study of Credit Agricole Mobile App
Quittercheck is a healthcare app that uses modern media such as video - recorded by the user - to fight the addiction rather than encouraging the use of smoking cessation aids.
Quittercheck mobile application
We were asked to provide two applications: Sterylis - an Internet-connected device management app, and Sterylis Pure - a Bluetooth companion app to the Client’s sterilizing devices.
Sterylis mobile application
Mindy is the mindfulness app that allows users to relax and meditate with great content. We built this state-of-the-art mobile app for iOS and Android using an integrated cross-platform approach.
Meditating girl and colorful background with mountains
The idea behind the Activy project was to create the gamification system that will empower the employees to cycle to work instead of taking a car.
Case Study of Activy
The main challenge behind the GastroJob project was to reflect the specific business processes like a recruitment within the mobile app interface.
GastroJob Case Study by LeanCode
We’ve created a mobile application supporting the work of breeders that allows to automate calculation of feed, water and ventilation parameters in professional turkey breeding.
We’ve created an application for players to keep track of their team's progress in the tournaments, their place in the league table, and the schedule of upcoming matches
Case Study of Virium
The idea behind the Clicket app was to create an insurance selling system for students, avoiding unnecessary documentation and complicated processes.
Clicket Case Study
Break&Wash is an application that solves the problem of truck drivers who spend most days on the road without access to the washing machine, and allows them to do the laundry at the petrol stations.