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The Power of Immutable State

May 14, 2020

Flutter Warsaw #12

We continue our online tradition from the last meetup, also hoping that it will change and we can meet face to face as soon as possible on the next Flutter Warsaw Meetup. In the 12th meetup edition agenda, the first presentation covers the very popular topic which is state management, but this time we will talk about immutable state. In mobile development, it is almost impossible to work without a mutable state. In very complex examples we can face unwanted behavior so that we can consider making at least part of our state immutable. Matt Rešetár also known as Reso Coder will introduce you to this immutable state strategy and show us how to use this approach in state management. 

Presentation contains: 

  • What is an immutable state?
  • Approach to creating an immutable state
  • When and where can we use it?
  • Pros and cons of immutability
  • Simple to advance examples
  • Live coding session

Watch the video about the power of the immutable state


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We build communities

A photo from Flutter Warsaw event
Flutter Warsaw is an IT community focused on modern Flutter technology. It is one of the largest so-called meetups dedicated to Flutter in Europe, initiated by LeanCode in 2018 in Warsaw, Poland with over 1.8k members worldwide. It gathers Flutter enthusiasts and other IT professionals interested in getting to know its possibilities.
A photo from Flutter Europe conference
Flutter Europe is an initiative driven by European Flutter Communities to gather people passionate about Flutter and those who want to learn how to create beautiful applications. Its last edition, one of the biggest Flutter conferences, took place in 2020 in Warsaw, Poland. It was organized to share Flutter's knowledge further.